We are bored of KLCC already, so my sister booked at Pavilion GSC 'coz I strictly ban TS GSC due to some reason. haha.
Before we head to the cinema, we still have some time for our window shopping and lunner (lunch +dinner).
And we saw someone doing some shooting for advertisement? haha.
"Actor" and "Actress"
Sam fu all of you la. XD
While walking while take photo.
While escalator-ing while take photo. XD
They are posing while Im trying my jeans.
She's posing.
And me too. haha.
Next~ Iciban Boshi! yeah!
I feel like trying all of these! XD
Always make me jealous. =.=''
Wait wait, not yet prepare.
Ok, ready! ^_^
Coming up, photos by my pretty but naughty da jie. XD
The following, by the pretty but fat blogger here. XD
"See what see?"
"Hehe. Joking la."
Some random photos.
She's enjoying her free California Roll.
He's busy with his call.
And, Im waiting for my dear Salmon to come.
Sauce + wasabi. *thumbs up*
Iced Green Tea.
Forgot the name of this noodle. XD
And, we saw Elson from Project Super Star. We were sitting behind them.
The guy in black and white stripes shirt.
Supposed can see his face one. haihz.
Please don't kacau me la. I already trying my very best to eat fast fast. (15 minutes for the show to start)
Random photos again.
The movie was nice, and I enjoy the most when I have pop corn + coke on my hand while watching movie in the cinema. XD
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